DIY Cat's Eye Queue Print - Clearsnap

The ColorBox Cat's Eye Queues for this project were provided by Clearsnap. The piece of  Rustic Cherry BARC Wood for this project was supplied by Arc Crafts.

Hi! I'm sharing an 8.5x11 inch print that I made with ColorBox Cat's Eye® Queues and a sheet of adhesive-backed Rustic Cherry BARC Wood from Arc Crafts for Clearsnap today. I frequently find inspiration on Pinterest, especially for home decor pieces. I found a fantastic print created by Katie Harris. The first thought I had after how amazing her design was, was how the colorful shapes looked like impressions made with a ColorBox Cat's Eye® Queue. Rather than getting out a ruler and compass and spending time drawing lines and circles, I decided to create a free form print using the fantastic shape of the Queues as a guide. Stop by the Clearsnap Blog for more information on how you can create a similar print for your home!

The ColorBox Cat’s Eye® Queues of themed hues helped to take the guess work out of color coordination so I could design with more confidence. Six Cat's Eye® ink pads come grouped in a stack and offer a great way to get several inks at an affordable price. The ink pads separate for individual use, then snap together for easy storage. Each small ink pad is raised, and designed in a handy "cat's eye" shape with corners that are perfect for hard-to-reach areas, or creating interesting designs like I show above. These ink pads are ideal for direct-to-paper techniques. Apply the ink by holding the pad in hand or using a Cat's Eye® Adapter Set. There are dozens of ColorBox Cat’s Eye® Queues available with a variety of different ink formulas. What stack of Cat’s Eye® Queue ink pads feature your go-to color palette? The Fiesta Queue is my favorite.

Clearsnap Supplies:
DIY ColorBox Cat's Eye Queue Print Tutorial by Dana Tatar for Clearsnap


  1. Hi Dana, love this idea of using the ink pads directly like a stamp to create the beautiful pattern !!


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