You Rock A Cappella Scrapbook Layout - Creative Embellishments


You Rock A Cappella Solo Scrapbook Layout with Chipboard Music Notes, Title, and Microphone on an Oversized Photo.

Hi! I'm sharing a music themed scrapbook layout for Creative Embellishments today. My oldest child takes after their father and loves being behind a microphone on stage. I printed a large photo taken during one of their solo performances, I may have cropped a couple of people out of the shot, for use on this page. The large picture size allowed me to embellish and journal directly on the photo, which was really fun.

Chipboard Music Staff Painted Metallic Silver on an A Cappella Scrapbook Layout.

I used the Music Bar Set 7 to embellish the top and bottom edges of the large photo. To add color to the chipboard, I used a metallic silver paint marker.

Chipboard Microphone and Music Staff Painted Metallic Silver on a Scrapbook Layout

I selected a microphone from the Microphones 2 Set to embellish the bottom left corner of the photo.

You Rock Solo A Cappella Scrapbook Layout with Metallic Chipboard Title

To finish the page, I applied the words You Rock, from the Rock Titles Set, directly to the photo. I colored the chipboard with iridescent blue ink. Lastly, I used a white pen to add journaling.

Creative Embellishments Supplies:
Music Bar Set 7
Microphones 2 Set
Rock Titles Set

Other Supplies: Patterned Paper: Pink Paislee; Iridescent Smooch Ink: Clearsnap; Metallic Silver Paint Marker: Zeyar; White Pen: Uni-Ball Signo

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You Rock A Cappella Solo Scrapbook Layout with Chipboard Music Notes, Title, and Microphone on an Oversized Photo.
